Stephanie’s Story
You Already Have.
I am a patient, fighting a cancer battle.
I am not a doctor saving lives.
I am not a firefighter running into burning buildings.
I am not a police officer arresting criminals.
I am a cancer patient.
Over the last few days, I have had MULTIPLE STRANGERS reach out to me, telling me that I inspire them.
I'm inspiring? I'm some "nobody" from Oregon. Yet here I am inspiring people on Facebook all around the world.
I've had people tell me that they have had tears in their eyes just from reading a fraction of my entire story. They have told me that I have given them hope and strength in their lives. I have even had some of them request me to be friends with them on Facebook.
But here's the thing... I believe everything happens for a reason.
I just spoke with a man around the same age as my mom (never met him before), having health issues with his spine and he's scared. He said that I amaze him and that he sometimes wonders that God put people like me on this Earth to help inspire others who are not as strong and faithful as me. We conversed a little bit and he asked me where I get my courage from. I told him that I'm trusting in God and to please let me know if I can help him in any way. His response was "you already have".
"You already have." Those 3 words said to me are so empowering!
Honestly, I've learned a lot throughout my cancer journey. I always tell people that I believe I received my cancer diagnosis for multiple reasons, but two reasons I've recently learned are:
1. To start living life to the fullest, enjoying what life has to offer, and to cherish every.single.moment.
2. To help others that are battling a cancer diagnosis (or other health condition).
I'm not perfect. I'm not a hero. I'm not saving the world. But if you ask my son, he says I'm all of these things.
Before my diagnosis, I was a worrier. I struggle with anxiety and depression. I worried about everything under the sun... Health, money, certain situations, etc. But once I was told those 3 words "You have cancer", something changed. I stopped worrying (after the initial week or so) and started having faith.
I learned to trust in God, and I've seen him work miracles in my life. I trusted in the process to quit my job of 5 years that gave my family and I health benefits.
I've learned to live to be happy and never apologize for putting my family first.
I've learned to relax and take vacations more than once every 3 years.
I've learned to take a negative and turn it into a positive.
I've learned to be thankful and grateful for what I have in life.
I've learned that life can change in the blink of an eye, and I want to make sure I have zero regrets.
Honestly, I'm calmer and more relaxed fighting this battle, than I ever was when I was healthy. I have my moments of struggling with looking at myself in pictures, or my reflection in the mirror. But I am strong, and I am calm. And I was put in this situation to help others realize that there is hope. There is faith. And to teach others about their inner strength that they never knew was there.
I am more than just a cancer patient. I'm learning that I'm inspiring and empowering, and some would call me a hero.
I am here to help others in life.